Friday, November 19, 2010


After 7 straight hours of class with no breaks my brain decided that it would be a good time to stop working. During my last class, a Journolisim lecture, I began to think illogical thoughts.

It started simply enough. I forgot about the time change and the fact that the sun would be setting at 5:45. This was the set up for a mental break down. As it rapidly became darker outside I became alarmed. I didn’t have a jacket and I didn’t want to be caught in a bad storm with ought a jacket. That must be why it’s getting dark, because it’s going to rain.

But….it’s not supposed to rain. What’s going on? As the sun goes down I become more and more convinced that the storm of the century is coming. I imagine terrible tornadoes and beg my friends to check the weather. Then, thankfully, my friend Brynn says “Brittany, honey? You know it’s just the sun going down right? It’s time for that to happen.”

I didn’t even have time to feel stupid. I just felt relieved.

The single most frustrating week ever.

I feel that if my professors could have said something to me this week as a collective group it would have been this:
"It starts out with a paper. Then you find out that you actually have two, plus homework. Wait, wait, we have three papers. They are due one a day three days in a row. And you have a test...but it's due on the last day with the last paper. We thought that would be cool with you, it's kinda cool with us."
It was a coffee filled week in which almost every day ended with me screaming at Quark at work while the design editor politely asked after my mental health. After work I would come back to my dorm room to listen to the rave upstairs. I imagine that it's a one man rave but nevertheless I can hear it two floors down and I don't appreciate their bad taste in music and neither dose anyone else, which is why everyone beats on their ceilings.
So yeah...that's been this week. Should you want to read more funny enlightening post go to my other blog on tumbur.....which I kinda love a lot more than this one.