So every Christmas I have to go shopping with both of my parents to help them shop for one another. This seems to forever leave me in the worst positions, including but not limited to:
- Being stuck in an isle full of cranky people trying to pick what color jacket to buy someone while none of us can actually reach said jacket because there are to many people are trying to reach it.
- In the most crowded shampoo isle I have ever seen in my life. Who needs shampoo for Christmas and why is all of the White Rain hairspray my grandmother uses gone?
- In that really crowded isle with all of the junk bath time gifts you buy for people who you don't know that well but are obligated to buy a present for. (Or maybe you know someone who loves three dollar bath soap. Who am I to judge?)
- Hiding in the candle isle.
So if you need somewhere to hide in Wall-mart before Christmas try the candle isle. (Unless I'm there first. I call dibs.)
I usually take the tv section, regardless of craziness. This allows me to mutter 'how did those people get in there?' when someone walks by. Quite funny.