Sunday, March 28, 2010

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A crazy successful weekend.

Did any of you realize that you can buy a forty-four ounce drink at pilot for a dollar and eight cents? You don't have to pick just one type of drink either, you can get like four different flavors of slushie, three of icie, and I'm not sure how many different tea's and coffees. I didn't, and I'm sure glad that Hannah suggested we go there when I was thirsty yesterday.
This is just one of many great tales from my weekend, but I should really start at the beginning, so here we go.

On Friday evening much happened. Hannah and I successfully kidnapped Emily and took her to West Town Mall. Underwear was bought in great abundance by both Emily and Hannah, I bought a new purple jacket and it's super comfy. After we left the mall our friend Blake was waiting for us. After we hung out in the room for a while (and let Hannah spray way more air freshener than a human should ever spray) we headed off to Old City to show Blake the Cereal Bar.

The Cereal Bar did not fail to impress. I tried a new bubble tea (coconut) and get chocolate pudding. Blake seemed pretty impressed with the atmosphere of the place, but then again how could you not be?
Between a retro pillow fight and a game of Mario with me definitely holding my own by coming in second most of the time; I think that we may have him hooked. After all that crazy goodness I went to Guss's Good Time Deli with Hannah for an early morning snack before we spent the night in my room watching movies.

But wait! Theres more!
On Saturday I woke up and got ready. After a Hannah and I finished up the movie that we had went to sleep during the night before we headed to the amphitheater. I met with my political science group to discuss our presentation and Hannah got her sunshine on.

After a few hours there Hannah and I took off to look at all the big pretty houses in Knoxville. If you saw two young women in a white car blasting Jet in your gated neighborhood, then chances are that it was us. After a good amount of that we headed to wall-mart for two hours! I bought a pair of three dollar shorts and some mascara. It really has been a weekend of bargains. After we left we went to Hannah's sisters house and sat before we decided that we wanted Waffle House. It was the perfect food for midnight, believe me. Shortly after we went back to her room and watched more movies. I declare this weekend a success.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My deepest regrets.

Hey guy's I just wanted you to know that I've not forgotten you; I'm just terribly busy. I promise a good blog soon!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Today, the first day of spring, was absolutely beautiful. I got up and then hung out with my friends Patrice and Alie. We sat in the sunshine outside and blew bubbles and failed at frisbee. Then we went to starbucks and sat on the patio, it was pretty great.

Here are some photo's!


Me and Patrice

After the outdoor fun I went to the West Town Mall with Hannah and Brynn. (Yes, it's been a very busy day.) There we hit up a Victoria's Secret sale and checked out all the stores. Do you want photos? Of course you want photos!

After that insane amount of fun I came back to Massy and Patrice, Alie, and I made failed attempt of going out. Well, we went out, but noting was going on. In short, this was a fabulous first day of spring.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The one time use of jeans.

When I was in high school I refused to wear my jeans more than once before they were washed. It was like I had some type of complex about people thinking that I wore clothes twice. Now, i"m nearing the home stretch of my freshman year and I'm on my third pair of jeans since Saturday (Today is Friday) and I've worn a pair of jeans every day. Do the math, it clearly doesn't bother me anymore.
Last night I had to retire a pair of my jeans to the laundry basket after only one use. It really couldn't be helped though because after you go to a concert where most of the people are high it's pretty noticeable that your clothes smell like pot and cigarettes. The concert was great, all the music was really laid back and chill and the crowd was really into it. (Which always makes the concert better.) The only problem was that when I left I smelled like pot. Not cool. Now my one time worn jeans cry for vengeance from beneath my bed.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The best blog I have found to read in a long time.

I just discovered the blog of my favorite cartoon artist. By discovered I actually mean that I finally stopped denying the fact that I had better things to do (which I don't) and clicked on the large link on his comic sight. Here is the link: he writes Pearls Before Swine. Oh, I"m supposed to be making a presentation about that right now aren't I? Yeah...that and a speech on St. Bernard Project. Yet I'm on here...I'm not very good at this am I?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm sitting here twenty minutes early for my eye appointment. This is due to the fact that I couldn't draw out eating french fries any longer. I've decided that the best thing about McDonald's french fries is that for $1.81 I can get enough calories to last me a forth of my day. They even gave me this napkin that I'm writing on now. (I probably look like a lunatic.) I'm currently hating the waiting room due to it's white walls and fake potted plants. (I've always had something against white walls.) The woodwork is nice though, and I like the over-sized Reader's Digest. I think that when I get home I'll get on that paper, but first I'll attack some Ben and Jerry's.

I did not, however get anything done on my paper. I wound up attacking Ben and Jerry and then going back to town to hang out with friends. Funny how things turn out.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If people were rain.

Today I feel like making cookies. I'm still not sure if I'll actually make them or just sit here and think about it for a know how that goes. I realize that I've already posted today and I'm picking up a bad habit of going days with-ought posting only to resurface and then post twice in one day...I need to stop that. Here I am anyway, for the second time today just because I have something I wan't to share with you.

When I was on (probably the greatest thing ever) the other day, it brought me to a quote out of the book Looking for Alaska. I've actually read this book and I thought that it was wonderful. Here is the quote:

"I wanted so badly to lie down next to her on the couch , to wrap my arms around her and sleep. … Just sleep together, in the most innocent sense of the phrase. But I lacked the courage and she had a boyfriend and I was gawky and she was gorgeous and I was hopelessly boring and she was endlessly fascinating. So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom buck, thinking that if people were rain, I was a drizzle and she was hurricane.”
-- John Green, Looking for Alaska

I think that’s a great quote, and the book is full of them. What if we were all rain? What would we be? Would you be a spring shower or a thunderstorm? I’d like to think I would be that hard, pounding rain that catches you at the end of August, washing away the heat of the day for an hour. Making you lean on the railing of your front porch in suspense of what will happen next.

Spring Break

So far Spring break has been a flurry of activity. On Friday after touchdown in Cocke County I was off to hang out with friends. I ate at LaCarreta and watched a movie with my high school friends before making a late night waffle house run with my college friends. (I wish I had photos of this but I forgot the camera that night for some silly reason. I'll steal some of Emily's latter and post them on here.)

What are my other plans for break? That is a great question. Today I have a doctors appointment. (Yes, I'm just full of exciting activities like that.) Tomorrow has no plans so far and Thursday will be ruled by the eye doctor and the dentist. Friday however, will be awesome because the notebook girls are going to make a go at their first ever gathering where all will be present. It's going to be crazy.

That's the spring break update. Hope it's as awesome as it sounds.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So my post yesterday had no pretty photos, this makes me sad. I normal try and put something cool that I took on here. So I'll just tell you about my day so far and hunt up something cool to publish! So today I took my Political Science midterm and now I'm doing laundry. That's about as exciting as today will be other than going to work.

Me and Hannah in the dressing room at Victoria's Secret.

I like cool photos of the Sun Sphere. Night ones are the best.

Where the C's go?

Me and Brynn.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Only Wednesday and Thursday stand between me and freedom

Today was marked by slush. It was sleeting when I left at seven thirty, I sat through English where I realized that I had forgotten to bring my super-duper important paper that is worth 100 points. Lucky for me my English teacher is super nice and let me bring it to her after geology. (That also gave me time during geology to put some last minute touches on it.) Luckily I grabed my umbrella before I left for geology. I know that it's a cliché to carry an umbrella in the snow but the biggest prettiest wet flakes were getting my wool coat a little to wet not to have one. On my way back over the bridge to my room I felt like the bottoms of my converse were getting colder... and thicker. Turns out that the slush was sticking to the bottoms of my feet and forming a patch of ice under each of my shoes. My own personal ice. Ice or no ice, I had to get my paper to my teacher. I got it to her right on time. (Catastrophe avoided.)

Today I signed up for my dorm for next year. I've decided to stay in Massy. I wasn't able to live in my exact same room again due to the fact that my beloved eight floor is going to be for boys next year. I got as close as I could to the top though, I'll just have to settle for the sixth floor I guess. I chose a room directly under mine so that I could be just a close to the bathroom. (score!)